that afternoon we had our spring women's event at the church. it was so much fun! we had lots of vendors come in so we did some shopping. then we had a really good dinner and had a speaker. there were so many things i would have liked to buy but i limited myself to just one thing. i got myself an origami owl necklace. it's rose gold so it matches my watch. you can pick all these different charms to put inside of it. i got a nursing symbol, a piano, a cross, and the birthstones of me, jesse, abby and jared.

the next day was the allen family birthday party for march. this was my first year to celebrate my birthday at this party & it was so fun! there were 8 of us with march birthdays...me, jared, natty, uncle bill, mr. jim, allen, uncle bob, and zach. for those of you who haven't heard of the allen family birthdays, every month jessie's family gets together and celebrates the birthdays for everyone that month...aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone...it rotates whose house it is at. whoever is celebrating a birthday that month, their family is responsible for bringing a cake. I learned this the hard way when we showed up to the october birthdays without a cake for abby....i didn't know i was supposed to bring one for her!!! so, jesse made me his famous cheesecake.

i was completely shocked & excited by the gift that jesse gave me...he got me an ipad!!! I could NOT believe it. i have been addicted to it ever since. mrs. sunnye gave me a really pretty cover to go on it. I got some other fun things too : )

we celebrated with my family on tuesday night. I had been wanting a new bible cover and katie got me a really cute one.

stacy got me 2 fun scarves. this is one of them...i didn't get the baby for my birthday.

mom and dad got me a gift certificate for a massage which I cannot wait to use! this will be me soon...

overall, i had a wonderful birthday. i am so blessed.